Friday, August 22, 2008

The post that needs a disclaimer...

EDIT: Let me apologize for the "cheerleader on crack" comment. I did not mean it to sound hostile or condescending. It was mostly just a joke but really not any nicer than saying that I sound like a dumb idiot. So, that's that. I just wanted to set the record straight.

Disclaimer: This is the post of randomness. Be prepared for an excessively incoherent string of thoughts.

Baby, baby, I'm taken with the notion. To love you with the sweetest of devotion. Baby, baby my tender love will flow from the bluest sky to the deepest ocean. Baby, baby I'm so glad you're mine. -Amy Grant [Currently listening to "Throwback" play list...because sometimes nothing gets it done quite like the oldies]

In this new city I live in, things have been a little wet for the past week. By a little I mean, like woah wet. So, I've been rockin' my AMAZING rain boots. I have gotten a wide array of responses. Everything from strangers saying, "Cute boots. I mean seriously, really great boots!" to no words necessary looks that say, "Girl, I know you didn't," or "You think you are so cool wearing those boots." Here's what I'm noticing about this strange city: It's a crazy hodge podge of cultures, the minority being Deep Southerners. I haven't really been out of the Deep South within the good ole US of A, but as far as I can tell - lots of other parts of the country are not crazy about loud colors or sassy fashion statements. It's like people can't believe I have the nerve to wear something so very attention-getting. Why not? I say. I balanced it out with fairly non-attention-getting clothes, and it's not like I have "Juicy" plastered across my butt. It's just my feet, people! Sheesh!

I also feel that I should wear a T-shirt at all times that says, "Just because I talk slow don't mean I'm stupid." [name that movie] I cannot and do not want to help that I say "ah" instead of "I" or "Mama" instead of "Mom" or that I don't have any one syllable words in my spoken vocabulary. So, don't look at me like I'm crazy when I say "Ha" [as in hat with no "t"]. I don't look at you funny even though I could because you seriously talk like a cheerleader on speed.

A few housekeeping details:
Please offer your thoughts on any and all of these little posts of mine. I want to hear about your life - if something I said spoke to you or if you feel that you might have something to say that would speak to me, or just something quirky or funny to share with me! Occasionally I'll compile my favorite responses and post them for all to read [with your permission of course]. I have now changed the settings so that you can post anonymously if you want to - without creating an entire Google account. Sorry, Georgia Peach! If you want to respond in a more private way, via email, feel free to email me at The name that you will see associated with that account is not my real name, just so you know. I have decided that there is freedom [for all of us] in anonymity. The purpose of the blog is to find comfort and solace in knowing that there are other women out there who sometimes feel like they are literally losing their minds. Who sometimes wonder what it would have been like to marry that other guy they dated [which I have done but always end up VERY glad that Preacher Man saved me from that fate]. Who occasionally just want a good strong dose of margs, cigs, and Jesus. Who are trying to figure out how they can maintain their sassiness and still love Jesus the way He has called them to. Who aren't really sure how to cope with and even more importantly, enjoy, the hand they've been dealt. I don't think we need to know my real name to be able to do that. Whether or not you choose to reveal your true identity is totally up to you.

So...that's the deal. Responses pleeeease!! I want to hear from you!

Peace out.
[I thought about erasing that but it really is what I thought even though I'm not nearly cool enough to pull it off. Laugh if you must.]


Anonymous said...

I dont have a blog account...can you "hear" me? or "see" me?

test 1...2...3

Southern Belle said...

i can! yay!

Anonymous said...

I love your blogs because I feel like I can say "hell yes" or... "holy shit" when i read them and not feel judged at all.

[sweet home alabama]

Anonymous said...

You wear those rain boots, girl! If they make you happy-who cares? If we all could get over what people thought about us in all areas of our life, we could really get to know people.

Georgia Peach said...

So do you think if I convert to G.P. I'll somehow appear anonymous...I'm so laughing right now. Anyhoo-I so would put the boots on but put something else to change into because I would talk myself out of being confident enough to pull it off. I'm the girl that wears the black dress to the funeral no matter how darn hot it is! I'm that consistent predictable girl...I say girl so I can appear younger than I am...always there, never let you down, everyone knows she's going to put everyone and everything before herself. But I have a secret...thongs girl! Boy does that make me feel like a girl living on the edge or crack...unpredictable you bet-wide strap, skinny strap, triangle strap...all of course perfectly and completely uncomfortable.

Love it when you just let it straight out of your head girl...keep'm pouring!


Southern Belle said...

GP, you make me smile :) And for the record, I've never thought of you as anything but sassy. Isn't it funny that regardless of what you see, you never know what's going on inside?

I love that you let it straight out of YOUR head! Keep it pouring!