Friday, December 12, 2008


I watched the "Britney Spears: For the Record" special the other night. I am not a regular watcher of MTV because I usually feel disgusting after viewing any of the shows they air, but I saw the Britney Spears deal advertised and I was intrigued. I wanted to know what she had to say about the past several years of her life. We've seen tabloid pictures and her face plastered all over the news and heard countless people making fun of her in ways that I would never recover from, but we haven't heard her side of the story. So, I wanted to know. I decided that I would watch a little and if it was more of the same, I would change it. I'm trying hard not to be ultra concerned with the lives of celebrities. It tends to make me wish I had a different life, which is another post entirely.

So, I start watching this interview with Britney [we're not best friends or anything, I just don't feel like typing Britney Spears throughout this post], and I totally began to connect with her. I recognize that's probably what her people were going for, but I really, really did. I began to see her as this really normal Louisiana girl who just got swept up in the insanity of her life. Can I really say that I wouldn't have turned out the same way had I been through what she's been through? There was this one clip, though, that captured me. I couldn't stop thinking about it for days. Here's the clip:

I just couldn't get her face and her desperation out of my head - Too much order. No passion. Feeling like a prisoner. Better not to feel.

I have been there. Not on the Britney size scale but I've been there. Actually, depending on the day I'm having, I could be there right now.

And then it occurred to me - for her, for me, for you. The answer is the same. Jesus. He insipires passion. Frees us. Allows to feel with our whole hearts. Jesus is the answer for us all. The trick is looking to Him for the answers every single day.


Anonymous said...

Oh Britney...I watched the show too and felt such compassion for her. I just started thinking about how lucky I am that I can go to the store when I want...I thought about how I take the little things for granted. I also thought about how she and so many other people are searching for something in their life and how if they just knew it was Jesus...they'd be ok. It was sad to watch...but compelling at the same time. So many people constantly feel like a prisioner in their own life. I never imagined I'd be thinking so deeply about a Britney Spears interview.

Anonymous said...

What a sad life. I prayed for her as I watched this. You hit it the nail on the head...people need the Lord. They are so lonely, and so sad, even behind the facade. Thanks for sharing...made me think about those around me.