Thursday, October 16, 2008

Back to Louisiana

"Well, how was your trip home?"

I've gotten that a lot this week - because I went back to Louisiana for my little sister's wedding. The thing is, that's a difficult question to answer. Here's the best I've come up with, "Oh, ya know, it was good. Typical family stuff. I love 'em. I would literally lay in front of a bus for any one of 'em. But honestly, some days they make me WANT to lay in front of a bus [mostly just kidding about that]. But it was good [smiley, rambly me says as I nod my head]."

It turns out that going back "home" after creating my own "home" with Preacher Man is tricky business. Things just aren't quite the same. I built this trip up in my head. It was going to be filled with laughter and ease and lounging by the pool in the evenings. With afternoon tea and light hearted sarcasm and plenty of dancing. Well as a result of the intense wedding planning that was happening, there was only some laughter, not much ease, and no lounging due to the stampede of mosquitos that happened at sunset. There was afternoon tea, not-so-lighthearted sarcasm and well, there was still dancing...we maintained the most important things.

In the end, though, my sister got married. And she was beautiful. I cried. It all changes when you get married. There is a shift in the family dynamic. God made it that way but when your original family is as great as ours, it's hard not to mourn the shift.

My sister got married and I got a taste of my old "home". And actually missed my new "home". The one that happens with Preacher Man and Belle. And it was good. Really good all around because good, bad, or ugly - my family is mine. And I will take you down if you hurt them. And although transitions are not my favorite things, God walks with me through them in such a way that I find myself enjoying the newness before I even realize it. And THAT is one of the many reasons why He is DA MAN!


Anonymous said...

It's funny that you wrote that big sis.
We probably did make you want to lay willingly in front of a bus. You know mama and I do not work well under stress. Ditch mode comes in for mama and well, I shut down and curl up into a ball and want to quit. :)
You saved us from doing that. Thank you!!
I think you should write an entry on "Ditch mode".
With the married life changes everything... you are so right. It's so strange. Sad and exciting all at the same time. So much change is happening with the family and all... but something that has brought me so much comfort the past few days is that God remains exactly the same. He never walks away. He never loves me less or has any more or less desire for me to seek him. He's just the same and that calms me.

I am so thankful you were home sis. What would I do without you? Curl up in a ball and die... (seriously). I'm sorry that the trip wasnt all you had imagined, but having you home was so comforting to me.

also... this is random, but im confused as to why there is a handicap sign beside the word verification... does anyone know why?

Georgia Peach said...

Ok I cannot let the handicap sign comment go without a response. So...I've never noticed it before until you mentioned it but being the inquisitive, must figure it out person I am, I put the cursor over it and guess what...up pop the words "listen and type the number you hear". I guess if you can't read the letters there...which honestly challenges me at times you can go the handicap wheelchair way. Now being in the medical field and knowing the "pc" issues, I would think a megaphone or sound wave would have been more appropriate...but that's just my opinion.


Southern Belle said...

hahaha! Georgia Peach, thanks for solving the mystery!

P.S. Any news on the job situation?

Georgia Peach said...

You had to ask about the job...well it went from not taking it to accepting it and moving and telling the whole fam to not taking it.

I'm not the biggest fan of the man upstairs right now. Trying to remember what I said about always being rewarded for being faithful...the problem is I really thought I was being faithful this tme by pushing the move and the job...WRONG!

My family of course have come through with nothing but love and support and raising me up and loving me for whatever decision I need to make... God I love them and my man's family is I'm sure very happy we are staying but know that I am very sad and angry and at the end of my rope with my man.

Thanks for asking. Guess we'll keep the fam distance thing in common for a bit longer.

And boy do me and my man need prayers-and it probably wouldn't hurt if I would stop being mad at the man upstairs too.